The family of late artist Ilerioluwa Aloba, also known as Mohbad, has raised concerns to the Inspector General of Police, Kayode Egbetokun, and the Police Service Commission, regarding how the Lagos State Police Command handled the investigation into the singer’s death.
Taiwo Odumosu, the family’s legal representative, confirmed this in a statement signed and delivered to PUNCH Metro.
According to Odumosu’s statement, the manner the matter was handled raised serious questions about the officers’ professionalism, diligence, and integrity.
The family demanded the replacement and investigation of all police officers involved in the incident.
While highlighting what he called mistakes in the investigation, Odumosu said that the officers in charge abused the crime scene.
He said: “Upon the initial report of Mohbad’s death to the Police, the crime scene was not cordoned off, a fundamental step in preserving critical evidence. This oversight is a severe lapse in protocol and undermines the investigation’s credibility. By failing to secure the scene, the police allowed potential evidence to be contaminated or destroyed, significantly hampering any efforts to uncover the truth behind this tragic incident.
“There is evidence that Ilerioluwa Oladimeji installed CCTV in his apartment and it was functional. Yet the professional investigators saw nothing wrong in such and kept mute about it.”
An alleged inadequate response to the family’s report was cited when the deceased father, Joseph Aloba, took his son’s body to the station to obtain a police report, which he was required to present at the morgue.
While also citing a lack of forensic examination, a suspected cover-up, and a lack of transparency, Odumosu said that the location of the deceased phones, which may potentially provide important evidence concerning the events leading up to the singer’s murder, had yet to be probed by the police.